// javascript document function showonlinelist() { $.fancybox.open({ href : contextrootpath + 'custom/searchcustomlistapi.do?sitecode='+ sitecode, type : 'iframe', padding : 0, autosize : false, width : '1010', height : '700', 'afterclose' : function() { //initcustomevaluate(); parent.location.reload(); } }, { helpers : { title : { type : 'float' // 标题显示方式:'float', 'inside', 'outside' or 'over' }, overlay : { closeclick : false, // 点击遮罩部分(非内容部分)是否关闭层 if true, fancybox will // be closed when user clicks on the overlay speedout : 100, // duration of fadeout animation showearly : true, // indicates if should be opened immediately // or wait until the content is ready css : {}, // custom css properties locked : true // if true, the content will be locked into overlay } } }); } function initcustomevaluate(){ var parentlocation = window.parent.location; contextrootpath = parentlocation.origin; $.fancybox.open({ href : contextrootpath + "/custom/initcustomevaluate.do", type : 'iframe', padding : 5, autosize : false, width : 500, height : 350, 'afterclose' : function() { parent.location.reload(); } }, { helpers : { title : { type : 'float' // 标题显示方式:'float', 'inside', 'outside' or 'over' }, overlay : { closeclick : false, // 点击遮罩部分(非内容部分)是否关闭层 if true, fancybox will // be closed when user clicks on the overlay speedout : 100, // duration of fadeout animation showearly : true, // indicates if should be opened immediately // or wait until the content is ready css : {}, // custom css properties locked : true // if true, the content will be locked into overlay } } }); //window.parent.$.fancybox.close(); }